“From the ground work that we started by identifying our passions for philanthropy, to developing our Mission, Vision and Values, to the creation of a ‘road map’ as to the ‘who, how and why’ of thinking about how to go about making the many decisions that any new foundation must make to be effective, to the actual creation of our Task Forces, and broadening and deepening of our scholarship program and much, much more, Amy has brought her considerable skills, thoughtfulness and empathy to helping us bring into full life the dream of my parents for our family to work together to do good. And, she has been instrumental in the work that serves our twin goals of building connective tissue of the family and doing impactful philanthropic work for the community.”


— Richard J. Green, Executive Chairman and Owner, Firstrust Bank; Trustee, Green Family Foundation



 “As our family has grown, so has our small family foundation.  Now composed of second and third generation members, we recognized the need to codify elements of governance and undertake succession planning.  We engaged Amy to lead us through this process, and we couldn’t be more pleased with both the process and the outcome.  She asked the right questions, honored everyone’s input, and designed clear frameworks for guidance.”


— Ellen Milgrim, Executive Director, The Tioga Foundation

“A few years ago, my wife and I and our three grown children contacted Amy Holdsman at Essential Leadership. We had decided we needed some guidance in moving our family foundation, then in its 25th year, from a two person to a five person decision-making configuration. Through a series of online meetings, we thought through our purposes, goals, procedures, and roles for our organization. Amy’s handouts, coordination, and observations on our deliberations were essential to our arriving at a very useful framework for guiding our philanthropic decision making. We continue to be influenced by this framework in our decision making and discussions as our foundation goes forward.”


— Dennis O’Toole, Co-Founder, Dennis A. O’Toole Family Foundation

“Our firm has a client that created a family foundation around 10 years ago.  Over the years the extended family’s (board members) passions and philanthropic interests evolved.  Amy was instrumental in bringing the family together in finding philanthropic common ground that has set the foundation on a new course that will expand the joy of giving for the family.  Additionally, Amy helped lay the groundwork for creating a thoughtful plan for bringing the next generation into mission and purpose for the foundation.  Amy’s approach to bringing a group of people together under a common vision was fun and exciting to watch – so much so that I am adopting a similar approach with my own family in regards to our donor advised fund!”


— William Diehl, Partner, Beacon Pointe Advisors

“I had the privilege of working with Amy for five years, during which time she was an effective and loyal colleague in helping to build and execute my vision for philanthropy. This vision represents the values and legacy of my life, which Amy intuitively understands and embraces.”


— James J. Maguire, 
Founder and Chairman, Maguire Foundation

“I found Amy at a time when I was trying to figure out how to become more effective with the causes that mattered most to me. Amy helped me gain clarity about my personal strengths and attributes to contribute to my fullest. Her guidance helped me to pare back some lower priority commitments, rid some self-doubt and noise, and step into greater leadership roles with the organizations that truly speak to my heart. I would recommend Amy’s unique coaching approach to people who deep down know that they can and must pursue positive change in this troubled world. I now live a life where I know I make a positive impact. I can never thank her enough.”


— Laurie Franz, Board Chair, Five Together Foundation, Board Chair, JEVS, Board Member, Agahozo Shalom Youth Village

“I was at a critical point in my life and I was in search of meaningful engagement. I had been approached by multiple people and nonprofit organizations seeking my time and financial resources. I first needed to clarify what mattered most to me. I needed to clear my plate of the obligations no longer of real priority, and immerse more deeply in the causes that truly inspired me. Amy was a competent guide and friend during this process. Her knowledge of the philanthropic landscape as well as her insight and compassion for the process of self-discovery and community engagement were unique and incredibly valuable. As a result, I have stepped more fully into my power as an effective leader.”


— Donna Brooks, Board Member, Minding Your Mind

develop your own plan for purposeful engagement and meaningful giving


Clients Include

  • Multigenerational families starting or ramping up their family philanthropy with a desire to include and/or transition philanthropic activities and engagement to the next generation.
  • First generation philanthropists who have an interest in educating themselves and the next generation about high impact philanthropy.
  • Next Gen donors who want to preserve legacy as well as blaze their own trail and engage in order to have maximum impact with their lives, in the community and in the world at large.
  • Women who are seeking to amplify their philanthropic impact and create lasting change through strategic giving and community leadership.
  • Social impact visionaries who are passionate about increasing and expanding their involvement in advocacy and/community initiatives.
  • Millennial earners who want a hands on approach to making a social impact with their time, talent, treasure and ties; and who are driven by the greater good.
  • Individuals who are in search of a pathway to purpose and meaning via connecting to a cause and/or an organization in the community