April marks one year since the re-creation of Essential Leadership, the integration of my experiences and skills in coaching, leadership and philanthropic advising acquired over the past twenty-five years. I am honored and grateful to work with my clients as they step into their power as philanthropists and transition to greater alignment of their core values with investments of their time, talent, treasure and ties. My introductory post about Ikigai still holds true today. Click here for a quick overview.

What I’m Hearing: Wisdom In Unexpected Places

I had the joy to witness Philadelphia icon Kobe Bryant visit the Andrew Hamilton School in West Philadelphia last week. He came to visit Philadelphia Youth Basketball’s student athletes and share the lessons of his latest book, The Wizenard Series: Training Camp with the school community. Among his words of wisdom to the middle school aged children
“The most important thing is compassion and empathy for others.”
View the 1 minute overview clip of his visit here.

I was moved by the recent TEDx Talk, “The Transformative Power of Small Choices” by Susan Retik, Co-Founder of Beyond the 11th, a non-profit dedicated to raising awareness and addressing the plight of impoverished Afghan widows. In it, she poses profound questions. These questions, while posed out of the adversity of losing her husband on 9/11, can apply to all of us as we take stock of our lives.
“Who am I? Who do I want to be? How do I want to move through this life?
The world belongs to all of us. We get to choose how to be in it.” See her talk here.

What I’m Learning: Alignment Looks Different for Different People

How you decide where to invest your precious resources, to share of your talents, and to volunteer your time is deeply personal. Philanthropy is a journey, not a recipe book. It was a busy week of listening and learning what motivates people to get involved. On Tuesday, the focus was on shoes. On Wednesday, it was guns. This morning’s conversation was about water. I write about the week’s events in my blog post here.

What I’m Sharing: How To’s for Greater Alignment

I have the good fortune of sharing my thoughts about going on a philanthropic journey with others in public forums. I have listed some recent and upcoming talks.

“Picture Your Purpose”
March 7th, Robert W. Baird & Co.
A women-only event featuring a fun “Picture Your Legacy” exercise, engaging participants in thinking about the legacy they’d like to leave in business, in investing, in philanthropy, and in their lives.

“Aligning Your Life with Your Values: Using Your Time, Talent, Treasure &Ties”
March 10th, Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Sharing an understanding of motivational values and how they guide decisions for involvement in the community and other philanthropic activities.

“Stories of Outreach and Inclusion: Creating a Philanthropic Conversation”
April 25th, Healthy Democracy Coalition Conference, Dallas, TX
The Healthy Democracy Coalition (HDC) is a network of investors dedicated to strengthening democracy and bridging divides. This invitation-only conference intends to cultivate cross-partisan philanthropic learning and collaboration.

“Giving with Purpose & Passion: Making the Most of your Charitable Giving”
May 16th, Beacon Pointe Wealth Advisors (email if you are interested in more details)
Sustaining a focus on alignment of purpose, passion, and philanthropy.

“Be like a lotus.
Let the beauty of your heart speak.
Be grateful to the mud, water, air and the light.”
~Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

Your heart can speak through greater alignment of your values and your philanthropy.
I coach individuals and families
on their philanthropic and community engagement strategy.
Click here to learn more and start our conversation.
