Why would I ever go dancing at 7 a.m.? Who thought of that anyway?  Radha Agrawal is the Co-founder and CEO of Daybreaker, the early morning dance and wellness movement that currently holds sunrise yoga and dance parties in more than 25 cities and on college campuses around the globe. Radha’s need for belonging was so great as she turned thirty that she created a community to belong to.

Belong takes the reader on a journey similar to one that you embark on in a coaching engagement. She offers advice and engaging exercises that lead to self discovery. You must first go in to go out.  Start with self-awareness and intention. Know who you are (your values, abilities, and interests) in order to know where you want go. In order to create community, Radha posits, you must first define your core values, then create rituals, define your aesthetic (what’s your visual style), answer your why & what kind of community you want and need, and understand how to speak to your community.

We all crave belonging. I know that I do. I went (and continue to go) dancing at 7 a.m. because I crave connection, something bigger than myself to be a part of. I don’t need to build the community myself, but I will gladly participate. Building community, when done well, is an act of generosity and creativity. As a first step to understanding yourself in the context of the community you want to create, this book can be a practical (and attractive) guide. Getting the hard copy is a must. The book can be used as a manual to come back for with each exercise as we understand what motivates and inspires us to live a more connected life. Radha gives us the roadmap and the inspiration to get started.