“Everyone has a WHY, a deep-seated purpose, cause, or belief
that is the source of our passion and inspiration.
You may not yet know what yours is or how to express it in words,
but we guarantee, you have it.”
-Simon Sinek, Start with Why

It’s a Wrap, 2018
In 2018, Essential Leadership was born again, allowing me to serve my highest purpose to work with individuals and families to help align their personal, philosophical, and values-based intentions with their community engagement investments of time, talent, treasure, and ties. I am grateful to my clients for entrusting me to walk with them on their journey to create a pathway for their own unique involvement building upon their values and strengths to make meaningful difference.

“It is in the thousands of days of trying, failing, sitting, thinking, resisting, dreaming, raveling, unraveling that we are at our most engaged, alert, and alive.”
-Dani Shapiro

FAMILY. TRAVEL. DOGS. SUNSETS. Just a few of my favorite 2018 memories..

What I Wish for You in 2019
“I’ve found that the changes I feared would ruin me have always become doorways, and on the other side I have found a more courageous and graceful self”
-Elizabeth Lesser

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done,
the zest of creating things new.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

‘Connection, along with love and belonging, is why we are here,
and it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”
-Brene Brown

Happy holidays 2018 to you, your family and your community.
May your celebrations be joyous.
Wishing you peace and harmony in the new year.

Amy Tress Holdsman