Hope springs eternal. Hope (“to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true”) is a powerful life force which enables us to face and overcome challenges. It is human nature to always find fresh cause for optimism. In my experience, I know this to be true, because I think that it rained every day in April. On top of that, those of us who are fortunate to work from home were stuck inside, continuing another month of physical distancing. And yet- today, the sun is shining. And tonight, I magically experienced incredible joy, perhaps greater than at any other time over the past two months. It is what causes me to wonder if the real and metaphorical April showers really do bring May flowers.

What I’m Believing: Hindsight is 2020
Each night during the quarantine, I drop into bed and, within minutes, fall into a deep sleep. While I have yet to sleep through the night, my moments in REM have produced vivid dreams that I have come to know as quarantine dreams. In an effort to make sense out of an altered state, this video, sent to me by a dear friend, captures what I hope will be the tale that I will tell to my future grandchildren about our collective experience: Hindsight 2020

What I’m Experiencing: Zoomzaustion is Real
I have consistently sang Zoom’s praises (check out the last two newsletters) for keeping us all connected during this pandemic. While Zoom and other platforms have done a terrific job in unusual circumstances, I know for sure that technology can never replace the connection that we feel when we are truly together in person. Krista Tippett explains why, after an eight hour day on Zoom, I drop into bed and into a deep sleep. We are looking for social cues and have to search harder for nonverbal feedback. Click here for some strategies to stay connected, even when you are ready to disconnect.

What I’m Enjoying: Inspired to Action & Using Your 4 T’s
Over the past two nights, I attended Zoom parties meant to bring us together during our otherwise isolating experience of this moment. I bore witness to great entertainment and masterful fundraising. Tonight’s event raised $450,000 in 4 hours to add to the total of $1.5 million raised over 4 weeks of “quarantunes”. What unfolded twice over the past 24 hours is hard to describe, but in essence, my old friend Richard Weitz and his 17 year old daughter Demi, used their time, talent, treasure and ties to do what they love and benefit the world in the process. The “private party” tonight included performances by artists made famous in the ’80s such as Rick Springfield, Rick Astley, Spandau Ballet (wonderfully delicious!), and other well-known artists including Rob Thomas, Johnny Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls, and the amazing John Legend. Read about part one of two of this weekend’s Zoom parties here. Then take a few minutes to watch this inspiring video as you consider how to leverage any of your 4 Ts to support our fellow humankind during this time of acute need.

What I’m Valuing
We are past the point of returning to “normal”. Everyone that I know seems to be evaluating our lives, our relationships with each other and the planet, and what happens “on the other side”. When we emerge from our quarantine, things will be different. For me, I have come to understand how deeply that we are all interconnected. It’s about People. Communities. Redefining what is Essential. Ponder what we, as consumers and businesses, might consider as we all come to terms with what we value,

I work with people as we crystallize what they value and simultaneously engage
in philanthropic activities.

Together, we identify a shared value system for philanthropic work; and determine the pathway forward to wholeheartedly
engage in the world in a positive and meaningful way.
It starts with hope for what’s possible.
Click here to learn more and begin a conversation.

And to experience moments of joy, get a weekly dose of Some Good News.