“The only reason to get out of bed in the morning is to connect or create”
-Jonah Hill

In honor of my pending 50th birthday, I have simply chosen to say yes.
Yes to connection by seeing and spending time with friends from near and far.
Yes to experiences and adventure, from the silly (dancing in the morning)
to the more serious, hosting meals for neighbors and acquaintances with an interest
in getting to know those who are different and think differently from us.
And an enthusiastic yes to creating a life of meaning and purpose that has been uniquely curated through twenty-five years of professional and personal experience.

What I’m Reading

Raised Healthy, Wealthy & Wise written by Coventry Edwards-Pitt is an instructive read about raising children to be grounded and productive in the midst of abundance. Read my book review here.

What I’m Learning

Earlier this month, I attended 21/64’s Advanced Training on Managing Family Dynamics and Talking About Wealth. I was eager to have more tools for working with multiple generations around philanthropy, meaning, and fulfillment. I am proud to be part of such a distinguished network of Certified Advisors around the globe.

What I’m Teaching

I am working on multiple platforms to deliver content on my work with clients.
Topics include:
Human Centered Philanthropy
Finding Your Flow: Deriving Meaning in Your Life
The Intersection of Strategic Philanthropy and Positive Psychology
Interested in learning more? Send me a note at amy@essentialleadership.us.

What I’m Applauding

I am proud of one of my clients for their clarity in redefining their family philanthropy and their community engagement strategy.

Mission: Invest our philanthropic dollars strategically to support justice, challenge inequality, and enhance our communities.

Vision: To use our resources (time, talent, treasure & ties) to support causes and organizations close to our hearts. Our funds will be directed toward programs and institutions for which we have trust in the leadership and confidence that the work of the grantee will improve lives—whether in our neighborhood, throughout our city, nationally, or in developing countries around the world.

“Amy assisted me in aligning my personal philanthropic giving with my values. She worked with us to define the goals and purpose of our joint charitable endowment fund. As a result of the time I have spent working with Amy, I feel a sense of clarity in terms of how I choose to spend the four T’s: time, treasure, talent, and ties.”

Scroll over to see what other clients are saying.

Looking to connect or create?
Let’s get started!
Schedule your 20 minute complimentary call now.
Click on “schedule a meeting”, then follow the prompts
or call 215-510-0195 directly.
I coach individuals and families on their philanthropic
and community engagement strategy. Let me know how I can help.

I look forward to making a connection in the interest of creating your impact strategy.


Amy Tress Holdsman
President and CEO
Essential Leadership