At the heart of an engaging philanthropic experience, there is a self awareness.
What is my relationship to my self, my family, and the rest of humanity?

This question is crucial for those who are embarking on, or deepening, their journey of personal or family philanthropy. Beginning this journey requires an intimate knowledge of self. When we get to know our inner self, we understand the values that motivate us. What do we truly care about at our essence? Read here to learn more about my own self inquiry as I explore my core values in an effort to best serve individuals and families on their family philanthropic path.

What I’m Reading :
Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking about Human Interactions
by Roberta M. Gilbert MD
My key takeaway is that if one wants to work on relationships, whether with family, friends, or in the community, one must work one’s self; and if one want to work on individuality, it is best done in relationship with others. Read a summary here.

What I’m Learning
Bowen Family Systems Theory
at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family at Georgetown University

Bowen family systems theory is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit. Differentiation of self is the basis for learning and applying Bowen theory.
“The concept of differentiation has to do with self and not with others. Differentiation deals with working on one’s own self, with controlling self, with becoming a more responsible person, and permitting others to be themselves.” — Murray Bowen

What I’m Sharing
Navigating Difficult Conversations in Philanthropy
I will share my guiding principle that any philanthropic unit must establish shared values as a framework for a coherent grant making strategy as well as develop governance and operating policies, practices, and group norms that support the decision making and power sharing desires of family and other participants. Together with co-presenter Samantha Anderson, we will workshop around the navigation of potentially difficult, yet not insurmountable, conversations for the greater good.
Jewish Funders Network International Conference
March 23, 2020 in Palm Beach, Florida

Aligning Your Values with your Time, Talent, Treasure and Ties
In order to engage at any level, you must know yourself, your gifts, and how you choose to align what’s important to you with others and with the world at large.
Women in Development
November 18th, 12 – 1:30 at the Acorn Club, Philadelphia
Please email me if you are interested in attending or learning more about these events.

You know that it don’t cost a dime
Just to spend a little extra time
To throw a little smile at somebody passing by you
And you know love don’t cost a thing
But its worth more than any diamond ring
‘Cause in this great big world its the little things
Every day that you’re living
All the love that you’re giving
In this great big world, it’s the little things.
-Michael Franti & Spearhead

How will you work with your family around philanthropy?
I work with people as they engage with their family in philanthropy.
Together, we examine internal and external motivations
for philanthropic and community engagement;
help families identify a shared value system for philanthropic work; and
determine the pathway forward for strategic impact.
Click here to learn more and begin a conversation.