“Money moving in the direction of our highest commitments
nourishes our world and ourselves…
When you make a difference with what you have, it expands…
Money carries our intention.
If we use it with integrity, then it carries integrity forward…
Let your soul inform your money and your money express your soul. “
― Lynne Twist, The Soul of Money

These messages about money resonate for me and speak to how I would like to let my money flow and operate in this world. However, it takes time and practice to alter the money messages that we have absorbed since before we were even conscious of it. “If you want something, then you need to earn it” is deeply embedded in my psyche and has informed nearly all of the decisions I have made around spending, investing, and even in the causes that I care about and choose to support. Everybody has a money story. Read mine here. What’s yours?

What I’m Reading
Raised Healthy, Wealthy and Wise by Coventry Edwards-Pitt
The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine, PhD
Our society promotes the pursuit of more, and often, material wealth is universally celebrated. The true meaning of wealth is well-being, but this gets lost in messages around money. I have found two books that address the issue of growing up with great material wealth and the impact that has on the next generation.

Coventry Edwards-Pitt focuses on what went right for her inheritor subjects of this book. From her many years of experience as a wealth advisor, she offers a positive look at healthy adults that grew up in affluent families. These lessons apply to healthy adults in any income bracket. Read more here.

As a practicing psychologist in the Bay Area, Madeline Levine emphasizes more of what can go wrong when growing up amongst great material wealth. Pressure to achieve, perfectionism, and disconnection in a hyper connected society all contribute to soaring levels of anxiety and depression.

Ultimately, my key takeaway from both of these books is that, as parents at any income level, we do our children a great service by living our values. While we may have material possessions, they in and of themselves don’t make a life. Connecting with people and building our character are the essence of what leads to a satisfying life of purpose. The answer lies in connecting to an authentic sense of self.

What I’m Sharing
I’m honored to participate as a moderator and as the keynote speaker respectively for the following events this fall:

Tips for Making a Strong Impact with your Philanthropic Dollars
for Impact100 Philadelphia on October 17th from 6-8 pm at Stradley Ronon

Aligning Your Values with your Time, Talent, Treasure and Ties
for Women in Development on November 18th from 12 – 1:30 at the Acorn Club
Please email me if you are interested in attending or learning more about these events.

How does your money message affect your life and your decisions?
I work with people as they deploy their money to enhance the world.
Together, we examine internal and external motivations
for philanthropic and community engagement;
help families identify a shared value system for philanthropic work; and
determine the pathway forward for strategic impact.
Click here to learn more and begin a conversation.

Shana tova (happy new year)to all.